News Coverage
Inauguration of children playing garden at federal school by Managing Director SHILPA MEDICARE LTD, & SHILPA FOUNDATION trusts told that children need good playing system it’s help them for learning and physically fit that’s way from SHILPA Foundation developed and donated the garden to school. School president Mohmed Feroz spoke said thanks to SHILPA FOUNDATION for the developed and donated the Garden for our school , we maintained good it will helpful for our school children regularly use. Also it’s helpful for children’s for playing and learning said by school president after inauguration. In this event Shri, Satayanaryana school Administrator HM Kum, shrilekha , teachers ,Students and parents presented
Managing Director Birthday Event Purpose conducted the Blood Donation camp at unit-1,2& HO camp inaugurated by IMA Dr, Ravi Rajeshwar Dr, Mallika S Biradar Medical officer IMA blood Bank raichur, RIMS Hospital Blood bank official Dr, Ahmed husan presented. From SHILPA Medicare Ltd, Shri, Sharat Reddy , Shri, Honeshappa and official present. After inauguration IMA and RIMS officials said very appreciated work. of blood donation its save many lives now days donation of blood people not coming voluntarily but SHILPA MEDICARE LTD., SHILPA FOUNDATION done the great Job we said lot of thanks to all officials. In this time total 162 above employee's donated the blood.